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A fraud man

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I trusted you but you betrayed me. You profited by cheating me. I'm calm so I'm not worried about your cheating because I've lost for a while and you've lost by sinning with dire consequences. Maybe you don't think like me. But as a result of not being able to think like this, billions of people are suffering the agony of repentance in the grave. If you don't do good things while you have time, when life comes to an end, you won't be able to work anymore. No one wants to  go away from a luxury life but every soul has to go from earth to taste death. You may be neglecting many things but death will not neglect you it will take your life in time. Be a good person, do good deeds, then you will benefit in this world and in the hereafter. Keep in mind that I want to be a good person and do at least five good deeds every day till death. You have to remember that every action has a reward. In a real sense, he will be successful whose reward will be good. I see you are resorting to many bad deeds just to live a luxurious life. But suddenly one day you died. What will happen to you now?  When I think of you, the shadow of bad deeds is expressed. A cheater who ended his life by cheating people, he went to a war-torn country one day, when he saw thousands of buildings razed to the ground, he thought, what is the condition of the building that he cheated people to build. The traitor was walking in the war zone. He went ahead and saw that the environment, the society, the family, everything was in disarray. Then he was wondering why I did so many sins in my life. The goods that I sinned to collect are in such a bad condition here. There are no people willing to give up.  When my profit causes another person's loss, then it is not profit, it is fraud.

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A fraud man

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